Friday, 22 April 2016

Britex, Brexit or what other ridiculous name you would like to use

Well I have avoided the subject so far, but there comes a point when you have to say something. I have to state at the outset that the concept of Britain leaving Europe is strange to me, I have visions of someone pulling up the country's anchor and setting course for a new destination. Of course I know that we speak of the European union, not Europe itself but still I find myself asking why.

I am of course biased, I have have taken advantage of Britain being part of the European union to bag myself a better life style. I do not want to see my lifestyle threatened because Britain has decided to pick up its ball and leave the playground. I am not alone, Over the life of the European Union more Brits have lived and worked in other European country's than the citizens of any other single nation. The fact that we call ourselves ex pats and not immigrants should not be allowed to blur the facts.

Despite my bias I am willing to be be persuaded that Britain should leave if anyone can come up with a really compelling reason. I am neither an economist nor a political annalist and I don´t like (the politics of) either David Cameron or Boris Johnson. So it needs to be a pretty down to earth reason.

 So that leaves me with varying European views, The best boiling down to 'It makes little difference to us really, if Britain thinks she can go it alone so be it,we think Britain will be weaker though.' the worst being ' Britain leaving could spark another economic crisis and create  an ideal breeding ground for racism and politics of the far right' a situation which I am classing as bad but of course if you are a right wing racist it is good.

And the varying British views, There are more of these understandably it is a British referendum after all. The best of these is something along the lines of immigration into Britain will end and Britain will somehow trade on advantageous terms not only with Europe but with all former countries of the British Empire. Democracy will be restored as as the European Commission is un-elected. Britain will be wildly better off by not having to pay money to Europe.The national health service and benefits system will be saved.There is also more than a suggestion that the European union will cease to exist if Britain leaves as Britain provided the stabilizing voice. The worst being that Britain will face ten years of uncertainty.

No-one in or out of Europe thinks that the current union is perfect.

 I have heard much rhetoric about Democracy in Europe but cannot get past the House of Lords which is about the least democratic parliamentary body in any democratic country(pot calling kettle black)

Despite Britain having a high view of its own importance can such a small country really have a meaningful voice in international trade?

Immigration is not about Border control and it is not always a bad thing.( Of course as an immigrant myself I am bound to think that, statistics do back me up though) It is something which requires more international dialogue and negotiation though, not less, surely the European Parliament is an ideal place for that dialogue to take place. I personally have always been proud that Britain is multicultural and am sad that immigration policy appears to be getting more and more racist.

Of course there is the simple fact that I want to have my cake and eat it I love living here in Spain and am proud of being British.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Fairweather Gardener.

When the Boys were younger we lived near a park, The sort with trees and grass and paths rather than playgrounds and sports equipment. Along the top path in this park, between the path and the houses was a row of allotments. This was in the years before Allotments became fashionable and they were largely manned by older (as in retired) Men. They grew many things, but I couldn´t help but notice that runner beans, a vegetable I like, and vegetable marrows( of doubtful culinary value), were more in evidence than anything else. I wondered why. I love runner beans and I have to say that Steve will eat them to the exclusion of all else but in my experience one or two plants at each corner of an tripod will easily feed a family of four, with some over for giving away. So a giant trellis running the entire width of an allotment...... well you can do the maths yourself.  What can I say about marrows other than a single specimen exhausts my stock of marrow recipes, lasts way longer than I want it to and rarely makes makes me think "Oh I wish I had another Marrow" when we finally finish it. And yet these vegetables were produced in huge numbers, the reasons why escaped me then.

Kale grows faster than we can eat it,
When we arrived in Galicia I noticed a similar phenomena, gardens have rows, and rows of tall walking stick cabbages, and a variety of turnip grown for the green leaves, and in summer lettuces, all grown in quantities that defy understanding. The thing is the more time I spend in the garden the more I begin to understand. The whole thing is addictive, the more you plant the more you want to plant, the limitations become about time and space, not the needs of the kitchen. I haven`'t even started on flowers yet. You grow things because you can, because it`s kind of like finding treasure when it works and when you can throw a couple of lettuces to the chickens rather than just the scraps you feel kind and generous and wealthy.

Lettuce A Galician necessity no idea what people do with the huge amount in their gardens

I did not plant these but I´m not complaining

Wish there was a bit more blue.
Because of this I am becoming a gardener, Its not really about knowledge or your methods (I will never be an expert) more a willingness to work at it even when the weather is bad, or I´m not feeling great.Maybe it`s just than spring is a time when I can be optimistic and enthusiastic because despite the cold and wet at the moment i am thinking it will be a good year in the Garden.