Friday 28 February 2014

Wood day

Its friday today so it must be wood day. Wood is at a premium at the moment and our winter supply has almost gone. I guess we want to be warm tomorrow so out we must go in the rain collecting wood . We are determined not to to buy and extra load of pre chopped stuff this winter so we have become scavengers, marching about with wheelbarrows and ropes looking for fallen branches. Maybe next year we will fill the wood shed and so avoid having to collect wet stuff in the rain heres hoping.


  1. Hi Dawn. Lovely to read how you're doing. A very different life to mine. Today I would like to swap: tough personal and pastoral conversations. Content to be speaking plainly but its not my favourite thing.
    Hope you gather enough wood.

    1. Hi Andrew, I would be a bit worried if our lives turned out to be the same! however you are in my prayers always, will up the anti if things are a bit tough. would love to hear from you if ever you have time.
