Monday 17 March 2014

Sunshine, beautiful places and cheap houses,

Well at last the sun is shining and Galicia feels Spanish again. We had a chance to visit with friends see the lovely Frages do Eume national park and have a picnic on the beach. We also looked at a couple of houses with our helper, Jane.

Both of the houses we went to see were in little mountain villages with stunning views and both were for restoration the first though is the one with the story attached. We had to walk through the village on foot as we were unsure about getting the car down to the house. So of course by the time we arrived every one in the village knew we were there. We were shown to the house that was 'on the internet' and told by the villages in no uncertain terms that it was overpriced at 9000 euro's the house next door we were told, though smaller was only 2500 immediately the owner was phoned and an appointment made for us to see inside a few days later. The owner turned out to be one of those terrifying Galician women that remind me so much much of the strong Yorkshire women of my beloved home county. We barely escaped with our lives, so determined she was to sell. The house as it turned out was not what Jane needed being a tad small with the optional garden just up the lane and not attached.( It would make a perfect holiday cottage though once restored) We were told of several other houses in the area for sale but declined to look for fear of agreeing to something by mistake. As usual on these occasions I wished we had money to spare as I am pretty sure that prices like these cannot last forever, still we have a house and far too much to do to take on another however cheap.

I leave you with a couple of pictures taken on our trip to the National Park and recommend that you visit if ever you get the chance.

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