Sunday, 11 October 2015

Weekends are different

I suppose that I thought that living in the country would mean that all the days would turn out to be pretty much the same. As it has turned out weekends are different. To Start with all the shops in Sarria close for lunch on Saturdays and don't re-open until Monday morning. No major problem there, but it does mean that our attempts to have a rest day on Sunday is supported by circumstance which helps us. It does make a difference to, I have way more enthusiasm for life on a Monday if we have had a quiet day on Sunday.
Steve gives English lessons to a neighbor on a Saturday morning, he agreed because it is a neighbor but I know that he feels that it is the hardest lesson of the week. It think that we hope that it dies a natural death as it is our only chance in term time for Steve to get jobs done around the house. He likes to think that we are moving forwards or at least keeping on top of things. For me it's almost the opposite problem because Steve has the car all week I like the chance to get and go for a coffee or a drink. I rarely get lonely and relish the quiet passing of the days but I do like some contact with the rest of the world.
Whilst Steve was teaching yesterday I took the opportunity do some work in the garden, the weather was threatening to do something unpleasent. Heavy cloud and gusts of wind, but in the end only a few spots of rain. There is so much work need doing but I was determined not to repeat Friday's mistakes. I chose a bed to work on and closed my eyes to  everything else. You really can only do what you can do.
Plenty of Work here
 I get quite a lot of satisfaction from restoring some sort order in the garden. although it will never be quite as regimented as the Victorian Kitchen garden that has remained my secret ideal,despite changes in gardening fashion, with a few days of good weather I should be able to prepare it for the winter.
My tomatoes got blight whilst I was away, inevitable really as the weather changed and Steve really had no time to mess with them. In fact we have had a pretty good crop so I'm not too disappointed.
The cooler damper weather has given the green stuff a new lease of life including pea shoots grown from peas that fell in the spring they make such nice salad veg, that next year I might grow some specially.

Failure on the walnut eating front I will try and do better tomorrow.

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